Why Soda Tastes So Much Better in Glass Bottles?

Sometimes, a cold, bubbly, sweet soda can be overwhelming. Whether you cool off with a creamed root beer, sip Sprite next to a greasy pizza slice, or sip a burger and fries with a Coke, the syrupy, carbonated taste is hard to beat in some cases.

If you’re a soda connoisseur — or even just an occasional indulgence — you’ve probably noticed that the same brand of soda often tastes different, depending on whether you drink it from a can, plastic or glass. So if the ingredients are the same in all three cases, why does soda taste different? It turns out there are multiple factors at work, from the liner of a soda can to the chemistry of a plastic bottle — and they can actually have a big impact on how much we like soda.

 According to food chemist Sara Risch, founder of food and packaging consultancy Science by Design, while the soda’s formula remains the same, the plastic, aluminum, or glass beverage packaging can impact the flavor as the liquid reacts with polymers in the packaging, she told Popular Science.

Glass beverage bottles are the most neutral soda containers. They don’t contain any other chemicals other than glass, and they also capture carbon dioxide, the gas that causes soda to carbonate much better than plastic bottles, and it doesn’t taste like regular soda.

Not to give you too many high school chemistry memories, but according to popular science, polymers are molecules inside packaging that add properties to the materials they use. Aluminum cans, for example, are lined with polymers that absorb small amounts of flavor, and plastic bottles may shift acetaldehyde, changing the taste of a drink. Glass is a more inert material than aluminium or plastic, so is unlikely to affect the taste of the drink. That’s why drinking it from a glass bottle is probably the best way to get the authentic flavor of Coca-Cola.

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